Sunday 10 December 2023

Is it worth having insurance?
Yes, having insurance can be worth it for many people.  Insurance provides financial protection against unexpected events or risks that could otherwise result in significant financial loss.  Different types of insurance cover various aspects of life, such as health, property, business, auto, and more.

Here are some reasons why insurance can be beneficial:
Financial Protection: Insurance helps protect you from financial losses due to covered events.  For example, health insurance can help cover medical expenses, and property insurance can help repair or replace damaged belongings.

Risk Mitigation: Insurance allows you to transfer the risk of certain events to an insurance company.  This can provide peace of mind and a sense of security, knowing that you are financially protected in case of unexpected circumstances.

Legal Requirements: In many places, certain types of insurance are legally required.  For example, in Australia, Workers Compensation is a legal requirement for anyone who employs staff. 

Loan and Mortgage Requirements: Lenders often require insurance coverage when providing loans or mortgages.  This ensures that the collateral (such as a house or car) is protected, reducing the financial risk for both the borrower and the lender.

Healthcare Costs: Medical expenses can be significant, and health insurance can help cover the costs of hospital stays, surgeries, medications, and other healthcare services.

Peace of Mind: Knowing that you have insurance coverage can provide peace of mind, allowing you to focus on your daily activities without constant worry about potential financial setbacks.

It's essential to carefully consider your individual circumstances, assess potential risks, and choose insurance coverage that aligns with your needs.  While insurance involves regular premium payments, the financial protection it provides can outweigh the cost, especially in the event of a significant loss or unexpected event.

It costs nothing to speak with a qualified insurance broker about your business insurance requirements, so why not give them a call today!  Call the team at Westralian Insurance on (08) 9302 1388 or visit


Sunday 26 November 2023

Do I need cyber liability insurance?

Whether you need cyber liability insurance depends on various factors, including the nature of your business, the type and volume of data you handle, and the potential risks associated with a cyber incident.  Here are some considerations to help you determine if cyber liability insurance is necessary for your situation:

Nature of Your Business: If your business collects and stores sensitive customer information, such as personal and financial data, you may be at a higher risk of a cyber attack.  Industries like healthcare, finance, and e-commerce, which handle significant amounts of sensitive data, often have a higher need for cyber liability insurance.

Size of Your Business: Small and medium-sized businesses are increasingly targeted by cybercriminals.  Cyber liability insurance can provide financial protection for these businesses in the event of a data breach.

Regulatory Compliance: Some industries have specific regulations regarding data protection and cybersecurity.  Cyber liability insurance can help you meet compliance requirements and mitigate potential fines or penalties.

Cost of a Data Breach: Consider the potential financial impact of a data breach on your business. Cyber liability insurance can cover expenses such as legal fees, notification costs, and public relations efforts to manage the fallout from a breach.

Third-Party Relationships: If your business relies on third-party vendors or partners that have access to your data, cyber liability insurance can offer protection in case a breach occurs through one of these external connections.

Risk Tolerance: Evaluate your risk tolerance and willingness to absorb the financial consequences of a cyber incident. Insurance can provide a level of financial protection and peace of mind.

Security Measures in Place: Assess the cybersecurity measures you have implemented.  While insurance is not a substitute for robust cybersecurity practices, it can complement your efforts in risk management.

Incident Response Plan: Having a well-defined incident response plan is crucial.  Insurance may include coverage for the costs associated with responding to and recovering from a cyber incident.

It's important to note that while cyber liability insurance can be beneficial, it's not a one-size-fits-all solution.  Consult with insurance professionals and consider working with cybersecurity experts to assess your specific risks and needs.  Keep in mind that prevention, through strong cybersecurity measures, should always be a priority.

For more information or to speak with a qualified insurance broker about your business insurance needs, call Westralian Insurance today!  Call (08) 9302 1388, or visit

Monday 20 November 2023

What is the best commercial insurance?

The best commercial insurance provider can vary, depending on your specific business needs, industry, and other factors.

It's crucial to carefully evaluate your business' specific needs and compare the coverage, premiums, and terms offered by different insurance providers.  Additionally, consider reading customer reviews and seeking recommendations from other businesses in your industry.  Before making a decision, it's advisable to consult with an insurance broker or advisor who can provide personalised guidance based on your business requirements.  Insurance brokers take the time to get to know your business, taking into account your personal objectives, needs and financial situation.  Insurance brokers strive to find the best insurance solution to meet your requirements, as well as recommend any products which may fill the gaps in your cover.

Westralian Insurance is here to help.  Call our friendly, local team today on (08) 9302 1388, or visit

Sunday 12 November 2023

What is commercial fleet insurance?

Commercial fleet insurance is a type of insurance coverage designed specifically for businesses, that operate multiple vehicles as part of their operations.  It provides comprehensive coverage for a fleet of vehicles under a single insurance policy, simplifying the insurance management process for businesses with multiple vehicles.

Here are some key features of commercial fleet insurance:

  1. Coverage for Multiple Vehicles: Commercial fleet insurance covers a range of vehicles owned or used by a business, such as cars, vans, trucks, or specialised vehicles.  It can provide coverage for a varying number of vehicles, from a few to a large fleet.
  2. Comprehensive Protection: Fleet insurance typically offers a comprehensive range of coverage options, including third-party liability coverage, collision coverage, comprehensive coverage, and coverage for damage or theft of vehicles.  It can also include coverage for drivers, passengers, and cargo.
  3. Flexibility: Commercial fleet insurance policies can be customised to meet the specific needs of a business.  Insurance companies offer flexible coverage options, allowing businesses to tailor their policies based on factors such as the type of vehicles, usage patterns, and the level of risk associated with their operations.
  4. Consolidated Management: With fleet insurance, businesses can manage their insurance needs more efficiently.  Instead of maintaining separate policies for each vehicle, a single fleet insurance policy covers the entire fleet.  This simplifies administrative tasks, such as policy renewal, claims management, and record-keeping.
  5. Cost Savings: Insuring multiple vehicles under a fleet policy can often result in cost savings compared to insuring each vehicle individually.  Insurance companies may offer discounts and incentives for businesses with larger fleets, which can help reduce overall insurance costs.
  6. Risk Management Support: Many commercial fleet insurance policies offer additional risk management resources and services.  These may include driver training programs, safety guidelines, telematics, and fleet management tools to help businesses reduce the risk of accidents and claims.
  7. Flexibility for Different Vehicle Types: Fleet insurance can cover a wide range of vehicles, including different types and sizes. Whether it's cars, trucks, vans, or specialised vehicles unique to a particular industry, fleet insurance can provide coverage for various vehicle types within a single policy.

Commercial fleet insurance is particularly relevant for businesses that heavily rely on vehicles for their operations, such as transportation companies, delivery services, construction companies, and logistics providers.  It helps businesses protect their vehicles, drivers, and cargo, while also streamlining insurance management and potentially reducing costs.  When considering commercial fleet insurance, businesses should assess their specific needs, compare coverage options from different insurers, and ensure the policy adequately addresses their fleet size, usage patterns, and associated risks.

For more information on commercial fleet insurance for your business, speak with the team at Westralian Insurance today.  Call (08) 9302 1388, or visit

Sunday 5 November 2023

What is a sole trader business?

A sole trader business, also known as a sole proprietorship, is a type of business structure where an individual operates a business on their own, without any partners or separate legal entity.  In a sole trader business, the individual is both the owner and the sole person responsible for running and managing the business.

Here are some key features of a sole trader business:

  1. Ownership: The sole trader business is owned and operated by a single individual. The owner has full control over the business and makes all decisions related to its operations.
  2. Legal Status: Unlike other business structures such as partnerships or corporations, a sole trader business does not have a separate legal entity. The business and the owner are considered the same in legal terms, and there is no legal distinction between the individual and the business.
  3. Liability: One significant aspect of a sole trader business is that the owner has unlimited liability.  This means the owner is personally responsible for all debts, liabilities, and legal obligations of the business.  In case of financial difficulties or legal claims against the business, the owner's personal assets can be at risk.
  4. Taxation: From a tax perspective, a sole trader reports business income and expenses on their personal income tax return.  The business' profits are treated as the owner's income and are subject to personal income tax rates. The owner is responsible for fulfilling tax obligations associated with the business.
  5. Decision-Making: As the sole owner, the individual has the authority to make all business decisions without consulting other partners or shareholders. They have control over business operations, strategic planning, pricing, marketing, and other aspects of the business.
  6. Profit and Loss: The sole trader retains all the profits generated by the business but also bears the responsibility for any losses incurred. The owner is entitled to the full financial benefits of the business but is also personally liable for any debts or financial obligations.
  7. Registration and Compliance: Depending on the jurisdiction, there may be certain registration and compliance requirements for a sole trader business. These may include registering a business name, obtaining necessary licenses or permits, and complying with applicable local regulations.

Sole trader businesses are commonly found in various industries, including consulting, freelancing, retail, and service-based businesses.  It is a straightforward and flexible business structure suitable for individuals who prefer simplicity and full control over their business operations.  However, it's important for sole traders to be aware of the personal liability they assume and to seek professional advice regarding legal and financial matters related to their businesses.

For more information or a quote, call the fully qualified staff at Westralian Insurance on (08) 9302 1388, or visit


Sunday 29 October 2023

What is a sole trader?

A sole trader, also known as a sole proprietor or sole proprietorship, is a business structure where an individual operates their business as the sole owner and is personally responsible for all aspects of the business.  In a sole trader business, there is no legal distinction between the individual and the business entity.

Here are some key characteristics of a sole trader:

  1. Ownership: A sole trader business is owned and operated by a single individual. The individual has full control and decision-making authority over the business.
  2. Legal Status: Unlike other business structures such as partnerships or corporations, a sole trader business does not have a separate legal entity. The business and the owner are considered the same entity in the eyes of the law.
  3. Liability: One significant aspect of a sole trader business is that the owner has unlimited liability.  This means the owner is personally responsible for all debts, losses, and legal obligations of the business.  In case of financial difficulties or legal claims against the business, the owner's personal assets can be at risk.
  4. Taxation: In terms of taxation, a sole trader reports business income and expenses on their personal income tax return.  The business's profits are considered the owner's income, and they are subject to personal income tax rates.
  5. Decision-Making: As the sole owner, the individual has the autonomy to make all business decisions without consulting other partners or shareholders.  They have control over operations, pricing, marketing strategies, and other aspects of the business.
  6. Profit and Loss: The sole trader retains all the profits generated by the business but is also responsible for any losses incurred.  The owner bears the financial risks associated with the business.
  7. Registration Requirements: While operating as a sole trader, depending on the jurisdiction, there may be certain registration requirements.  These may include registering a business name or obtaining necessary licenses and permits to legally operate the business.

Sole trader businesses are common among self-employed individuals, freelancers, consultants, and small-scale entrepreneurs who prefer simplicity and direct control over their business.  However, it's important to note that the lack of legal separation between the owner and the business means that the owner carries personal liability.  Therefore, it's advisable for sole traders to consider the potential risks and seek professional advice when setting up and managing their businesses.

For more information on business insurance to protect your sole trader business, call the team at Westralian Insurance on (08) 9302 1388, or visit


Sunday 22 October 2023


Cyber insurance for IT companies?

Yes, cyber insurance is particularly important for IT companies. As businesses operating in the technology sector, IT companies are often more exposed to cyber risks due to the nature of their operations and the sensitive data they handle. Here are some reasons why cyber insurance is crucial for IT companies:

  1. Data Breach Liability: IT companies often handle large volumes of sensitive client data, including personally identifiable information (PII), financial information, or intellectual property.  In the event of a data breach or unauthorised access, cyber insurance can help cover the costs associated with investigating the breach, notifying affected parties, providing credit monitoring services, and potential legal fees or settlements resulting from the breach.
  2. Third-Party Liability: IT companies often work with clients and may be responsible for managing their data or providing technology services. If a client experiences a data breach or other cyber incident that can be attributed to the IT company's services, the IT company may be held liable. Cyber insurance can help cover legal defence costs and any resulting settlements or judgments arising from third-party claims.
  3. Business Interruption Coverage: A cyber attack or significant data breach can disrupt IT company operations and lead to financial losses.  Cyber insurance can provide coverage for business interruption, helping compensate for the income lost during the period of disruption.  This coverage can assist in managing ongoing expenses and aid in the recovery and restoration of IT services.
  4. Network Security and Privacy Liability: IT companies may face allegations of negligence or failure to provide adequate network security or data protection. Cyber insurance can help cover the costs associated with legal claims arising from allegations of privacy breaches, network security failures, or unintentional dissemination of malware or viruses.
  5. Regulatory Compliance: IT companies may be subject to specific data protection regulations, depending on the jurisdictions they operate in or the clients they serve.  Cyber insurance can help businesses meet their compliance obligations by providing coverage and resources related to data breach notification requirements and other legal obligations.
  6. Reputational Damage: A cyber incident can significantly impact the reputation of an IT company.  Cyber insurance often includes coverage for public relations and reputation management services.  These services can help mitigate the negative impact on the company's brand and assist in rebuilding client trust.
  7. Risk Management Support: Many cyber insurance policies offer risk management resources to help IT companies enhance their cybersecurity practices.  These resources may include access to cybersecurity experts, educational materials, employee training programs, and vulnerability assessments.  Implementing these risk management measures can help reduce the likelihood of a cyber incident and potentially lower insurance premiums.

Given the highly interconnected and technology-dependent nature of IT companies, the financial and reputational consequences of a cyber incident can be significant.  Cyber insurance helps mitigate these risks by providing financial protection, legal support, and resources to manage cyber-related events.  IT companies should carefully evaluate their specific cyber risks and consult with insurance professionals specialising in cyber insurance to ensure they have adequate coverage tailored to their unique needs.

For more information on cyber insurance for your IT company, give the team at Westralian Insurance a call.  Call (08) 9302 1388 or visit

Monday 25 September 2023

Cyber insurance for individuals?

Cyber insurance for individuals is becoming increasingly relevant in today's digital world.  While it's not as commonly discussed as other forms of insurance, such as health or car insurance, cyber insurance can provide valuable protection for individuals against cyber threats.  Here are some reasons why cyber insurance is important for individuals:

  1. Identity Theft Protection: Cyber insurance can offer coverage and assistance in the event of identity theft.  If your personal information is stolen and misused, cyber insurance can help cover expenses such as legal fees, credit monitoring services, and identity restoration assistance.
  2. Financial Loss Recovery: If you become a victim of cyber fraud or online scams, cyber insurance can provide financial protection.  It may cover losses resulting from unauthorised transactions, fraudulent charges, or funds stolen from your bank accounts.
  3. Data Breach Coverage: Personal data breaches can occur through various means, such as hacking, phishing, or malware attacks.  Cyber insurance can assist in covering expenses associated with a data breach, including notification costs, credit monitoring services, and potential legal expenses.
  4. Cyber Extortion Support: Cyber insurance can also offer support if you are targeted by cybercriminals attempting to extort money from you.  It may provide coverage for expenses related to responding to ransomware attacks or other forms of cyber extortion.
  5. Legal Assistance: If you find yourself facing legal issues resulting from online activities, cyber insurance can help cover legal costs associated with cyberbullying, defamation, or invasion of privacy cases.
  6. Digital Asset Protection: Cyber insurance can extend coverage to protect your digital assets, such as valuable digital files, intellectual property, or digital media.  This coverage can assist in recovering or replacing lost or damaged digital assets due to covered events like hacking or data loss.
  7. Cyber Liability: In some cases, individuals may inadvertently cause harm to others through their online activities.  Cyber insurance can provide liability coverage if you are held legally responsible for spreading malware, unintentionally damaging someone's computer system, or violating someone's privacy.

It's important to note that individual cyber insurance policies can vary in terms of coverage options, limits, and deductibles.  Assessing your specific needs and considering factors like the extent of your online activities, the value of your digital assets, and your exposure to cyber risks can help you determine whether obtaining cyber insurance is beneficial for you as an individual.

While cyber insurance can provide valuable protection, it's also crucial to practice good cybersecurity habits and take preventive measures to minimise the risk of cyber incidents. This includes using strong, unique passwords, regularly updating software and devices, being cautious with online sharing of personal information, and being aware of common cyber threats and scams.

For more information on cyber insurance for yourself or your business, contact the friendly professionals at Westralian Insurance.  Call (08) 9302 1388 or visit


Sunday 10 September 2023

Cyber insurance for small business?

Yes, cyber insurance is important for small businesses.  In today's digital age, where businesses rely heavily on technology and handle sensitive customer data, the risk of cyber threats and data breaches is a significant concern.  Here's why cyber insurance is crucial for small businesses:

  1. Financial Protection: Cyber insurance provides financial protection in the event of a cyber attack or data breach.  It can help cover the costs associated with investigating the breach, notifying affected parties, providing credit monitoring services to affected customers, legal fees, public relations efforts, and potential legal settlements or judgments.  Without insurance, these expenses can be substantial and pose a significant financial burden on a small business.
  2. Data Breach Liability: Small businesses often handle sensitive customer data, such as personal information, credit card details, or medical records.  If this data is compromised due to a cyber attack or data breach, the business can be held liable for the damages suffered by customers.  Cyber insurance can help cover the costs of legal defence and any resulting settlements or judgments.
  3. Business Interruption Coverage: A cyber attack or data breach can disrupt business operations, leading to financial losses.  Cyber insurance may provide coverage for business interruption, helping compensate for the income lost during the period of disruption.  This coverage can assist in managing ongoing expenses and aid in the recovery and restoration of business operations.
  4. Reputation Management: A cyber attack or data breach can have severe reputational damage for a small business.  Cyber insurance often includes coverage for public relations and reputation management services.  These services can help mitigate the negative impact on the business's brand and assist in rebuilding customer trust.
  5. Regulatory Compliance: Depending on the industry and location, small businesses may be subject to specific data protection regulations.  Cyber insurance can help businesses meet their compliance obligations by providing resources and coverage related to data breach notification requirements and other legal obligations.
  6. Risk Management Support: Many cyber insurance policies provide risk management and prevention resources to help small businesses enhance their cybersecurity practices.  These resources may include access to cybersecurity experts, educational materials, training programs, and vulnerability assessments.  Implementing these risk management measures can help reduce the likelihood of a cyber incident and potentially lower insurance premiums.

It's important to note that cyber insurance policies can vary in terms of coverage, limits, and exclusions.  Small businesses should carefully review policy terms, understand what is covered, and assess their specific needs to ensure they have appropriate cyber insurance coverage in place. Consulting with an insurance professional who specialises in cyber insurance can provide valuable guidance in selecting the right policy for your small business.

For more information or a free quote, give the friendly professionals at Westralian Insurance a call today.  Call (08) 9302 1388 or visit


Tuesday 22 August 2023

What are the most common mistakes to avoid when choosing an insurance policy?

When selecting an insurance policy, it's essential to be diligent and avoid common mistakes that could lead to inadequate coverage or unnecessary expenses. Here are some common mistakes to avoid:

  1. Not Assessing Your Needs: One of the biggest mistakes is failing to evaluate your specific insurance needs. Each person's situation is unique, so it's important to consider factors such as your assets, liabilities, health conditions, or business operations. Assessing your needs helps you determine the types and amounts of coverage required to adequately protect yourself.
  2. Choosing Based Solely on Price: While cost is a significant factor, solely focusing on the cheapest premium can be a mistake. It's crucial to consider the overall value provided by the policy, including coverage limits, deductibles, and policy terms. A policy with low premiums may offer limited coverage or have high deductibles that can result in significant out-of-pocket expenses when filing a claim.
  3. Not Reviewing Coverage Limits: It's essential to carefully review the coverage limits of an insurance policy. Inadequate coverage limits can leave you financially exposed in the event of a claim. Consider your assets and potential liabilities, such as property value, liability risks, or healthcare expenses, and ensure the policy provides sufficient coverage to protect your financial well-being.
  4. Overlooking Exclusions and Limitations: Policies often have exclusions and limitations that specify what is not covered or under what conditions coverage may be denied. It's crucial to read and understand these provisions to avoid surprises when filing a claim. Pay attention to specific exclusions related to pre-existing conditions, high-risk activities, or certain types of property damage.
  5. Not Comparing Multiple Quotes: Failing to shop around and compare quotes from different insurance providers can be a mistake. Insurance premiums can vary significantly between companies for similar coverage. Obtaining multiple quotes allows you to assess the range of options available and select the policy that provides the best combination of coverage, service, and affordability.
  6. Ignoring Customer Service and Claims Handling: A policy's customer service and claims handling process are important considerations. Research the reputation of the insurance company in terms of customer satisfaction, response time, and claims settlement practices. An insurer with a poor claims handling process or a history of denied claims may cause unnecessary frustration and delays during the claims process.
  7. Not Reading the Policy Document: Many people overlook the importance of reading the entire policy document thoroughly. It's essential to understand the policy terms, conditions, and exclusions before purchasing. If you have any questions, seek clarification from the insurance provider or agent to ensure you have a clear understanding of the coverage you're getting.

By avoiding these mistakes, you can make a more informed decision when choosing an insurance policy and ensure that you have adequate coverage tailored to your specific needs. If necessary, consider consulting with an insurance professional or agent who can provide guidance and help you navigate the insurance selection process.

 If your business insurance is up for renewal, give the friendly professionals at Westralian Insurance a call, or visit

Monday 7 August 2023

How do insurance companies assess risk?

Insurance companies assess risk through a process known as underwriting. Underwriting involves evaluating various factors to determine the likelihood of a claim occurring and the potential costs associated with it. Here are some common methods and factors insurance companies use to assess risk:

  1. Application and Questionnaires: Insurance companies collect information from applicants through application forms and questionnaires. These forms typically ask for details about the applicant's personal information, property, health status, driving record, or business operations, depending on the type of insurance. The provided information helps insurers gauge the level of risk associated with the applicant.
  2. Historical Data and Actuarial Analysis: Insurance companies rely on historical data and actuarial analysis to assess risk. They analyse past claim data and statistics related to similar risks to identify patterns, trends, and probabilities. Actuaries, who specialize in risk assessment and statistical analysis, use this data to develop models and calculate insurance premiums based on the estimated likelihood and cost of claims.
  3. Risk Factors and Rating Variables: Insurers consider various risk factors or rating variables that are correlated with the likelihood of a claim. For example, in auto insurance, factors like the driver's age, driving experience, location, and vehicle type are considered. In health insurance, factors such as age, pre-existing conditions, and lifestyle choices may affect the risk assessment. These risk factors are analyzed to determine the appropriate premium to charge.
  4. Inspections and Surveys: For certain types of insurance, such as property insurance or business insurance, insurers may conduct inspections or surveys. They assess the condition of the property or business operations to evaluate potential risks. Inspectors may examine safety measures, maintenance practices, security systems, or other relevant aspects to determine the insurability and risk level.
  5. Credit History and Financial Stability: Insurers often consider an applicant's credit history and financial stability as they can indicate the likelihood of filing a claim. A good credit history and financial stability may be seen as an indicator of responsible behavior, leading to lower premiums or better terms.
  6. External Data Sources: Insurance companies may also refer to external data sources to assess risk. These sources can include government records, industry databases, weather data, crime statistics, and more. Incorporating external data helps insurers gain a broader perspective on risks associated with certain locations, events, or industries.

By assessing risk factors and utilizing these methods, insurance companies estimate the potential costs associated with providing coverage. They use this information to determine the appropriate premiums, policy terms, and coverage limits for individual applicants or policyholders.

There's a lot to consider when arranging insurance for your business, so it's a good idea to use a qualified insurance broker.  Westralian Insurance can help so give us a call today on (08) 9302 1388, or visit


Tuesday 25 July 2023

How does insurance coverage differ between insurance companies/insurers?

Insurance coverage can vary between insurance companies or insurers due to several factors. Here are some key aspects that can differ:

  1. Policy Terms and Conditions: Insurance companies may offer different terms and conditions within their policies. This includes the specific events or perils covered, the circumstances under which coverage applies, and any exclusions or limitations. For example, one insurer may offer broader coverage for natural disasters in a homeowners policy, while another may have more restrictive terms.
  2. Coverage Limits: Insurance companies set limits on the maximum amount they will pay for a covered claim. These limits can vary between insurers. For instance, one auto insurance policy may have a higher liability limit than another, offering more financial protection in case of an accident.
  3. Excesses: An excess is the amount you must pay out of pocket before the insurance coverage kicks in. Different insurers may offer varying excess    options. A higher excess often leads to lower premium costs, but it means you'll have to pay more upfront before receiving insurance benefits.
  4. Premiums: Insurance premiums are the regular payments you make to maintain coverage. Premium amounts can differ between insurers based on their risk assessment, claims experience, and the coverage they provide. Insurance companies use various factors, such as age, location, and driving record, to calculate premiums. It's important to compare premiums from different insurers to find the best balance between cost and coverage.
  5. Additional Coverage Options: Insurers may offer additional coverage options, known as riders or endorsements, that can be added to a base policy to enhance protection. These may include coverage for specific valuables, extended liability protection, or extra benefits for an additional cost. The availability and terms of these optional coverages can vary between insurance companies.
  6. Customer Service and Claims Handling: The level of customer service and claims handling can differ between insurance companies. Some insurers may have a reputation for prompt and efficient claims processing, while others might have a slower or more complex claims settlement process. Reading reviews and researching an insurer's customer service track record can provide insights into their performance in this area.

When selecting an insurance policy, it's important to compare coverage options, limits, excesses, and premiums from multiple insurers. This allows you to assess which company best meets your specific needs and provides the most comprehensive coverage for your assets and financial protection.  This is where using a qualified insurance broker can help.  Insurance brokers take the time to understand your business, your needs and objectives, before tailoring an insurance solution fit for YOUR business.  

If you're looking at insurance for your business, call the friendly professionals at Westralian Insurance today!  Call (08) 9302 1388, or visit



Monday 17 July 2023

Business insurance for carpenters?  

A carpenter’s primary must-have policy is public liability, covering third party personal injury or damage to property during the course of their work.  They should also consider insuring their tools of trade anywhere in Australia.  A good tools policy will include theft from the open air and theft from unattended motor vehicles, which is a common occurrence in the construction industry. 

Workers Compensation insurance must also be taken out for any carpenters with employees.  Carpenters should also include any sole trader subcontractors who work for them under their Workers Compensation policy, as sole traders are not able to obtain Workers Compensation for themselves.

If you're a carpenter, or a tradie of any kind, Westralian Insurance can help with your insurance needs, and answer any questions you may have.  Call the friendly professionals today on (08) 9302 1388, or visit

Tuesday 11 July 2023

How do insurance policies help protect your assets and finances?

Insurance policies play a crucial role in protecting your assets and finances by mitigating potential risks and providing financial assistance in the event of unexpected events or losses. Here are several ways in which insurance policies offer protection:
1. Property Protection: Property insurance, such as homeowners or renters insurance, safeguards your physical assets, such as your home, belongings, or business property, against perils like fire, theft, vandalism, or natural disasters. If a covered event occurs, the insurance company may compensate you for the loss, helping you recover and rebuild.
2. Liability Coverage: Liability insurance protects you from legal responsibilities and financial obligations if you are found legally liable for causing harm or damage to someone else's property or injuring someone. It covers legal costs, court judgments, and settlements, safeguarding your assets from being seized to satisfy such obligations.
3. Health Coverage: Health insurance shields you from high medical costs, providing financial assistance for medical treatments, hospitalisation, prescription medications, and preventive care. It safeguards your savings and assets by reducing your out-of-pocket expenses and ensuring you receive necessary healthcare without incurring substantial debts.
4. Car Insurance: Car insurance safeguards your vehicle and finances by providing coverage for damages to your car, injuries to yourself or others, and liability for property damage caused by an accident. It also offers protection against theft, vandalism, or other non-collision incidents.
5. Business Insurance: Business owners can protect their assets and finances with various types of insurance. For example, commercial property insurance protects business premises and assets, while liability insurance covers legal claims against the business. Additionally, business interruption insurance helps compensate for lost income during unforeseen disruptions, like natural disasters or equipment breakdowns.
6. Life Insurance: Life insurance provides a financial safety net for your loved ones in the event of your death. It pays out a death benefit to your beneficiaries, helping them cover expenses, debts, and maintain their financial well-being. It can help protect your family's assets and provide financial stability during a difficult time.
By having appropriate insurance coverage, you transfer the risk to the insurance company. It helps shield your assets and finances from significant financial setbacks, allowing you to handle unforeseen circumstances and maintain financial security. However, it's essential to carefully review insurance policies, understand the coverage limits, deductibles, and exclusions to ensure you have adequate protection for your specific needs.

For more information on insurance for your business, call the friendly professionals at Westralian Insurance.  Call (08) 9302 1388 or visit

Tuesday 4 July 2023

Does my business need Professional Indemnity insurance?

Any business that designs or provides advice, has a Professional Indemnity exposure.  Wrongful advice and design errors are claims that would be excluded by a Public Liability policy, but covered by Professional Indemnity. 

Examples of professions that would need Professional Indemnity insurance are solicitors, architects, management consultants and building surveyors.

If you're considering Professional Indemnity cover, or just have some questions which need answering, call the friendly professionals at Westralian Insurance.  Call (08) 9302 1388 today, or visit

Sunday 25 June 2023

Workers Compensation for small business?

Workers Compensation is a legal requirement for any small business with employees.

It's as simple as that.  If you have any employees, you must ensure you have Workers Compensation insurance.  If you don't, you'll risk being liable for costs under the legislation if one of your workers sustains a work related injury or disease.

For more information and an obligation free quote, call the friendly professionals at Westralian Insurance on (08) 9302 1388, or visit

Sunday 18 June 2023

Workers Compensation for contractors?

If a contractor is a sole trader, they cannot take out Workers Compensation cover for themselves. If they are a Pty Ltd company, then they can insure themselves as directors. It is a legal requirement for contractors to cover their employees and subcontractors for Workers Compensation.

If you're got a small business and have insurance questions, Westralian Insurance can help.  Call the friendly and professional staff at Westralian Insurance today, on (08) 9302 1388, or visit

Monday 5 June 2023

Workers Compensation for sole traders?

Sole traders can not cover themselves for Workers Compensation. However, it is a legal requirement for sole traders to cover their employees and contractors for Workers Compensation.

If you've got questions, Westralian Insurance can help.  Workers Compensation can be tricky to navigate for any small business, so give us a call today.  Call (08) 9302 1388, or visit

Sunday 21 May 2023

Workers Compensation for subcontractors?

It is a legal requirement for any company whether it’s a sole trader, partnership, trust or Pty Ltd company, to cover it’s subcontractors for Workers Compensation, if they do not have their own policies.

If you've got business insurance questions, Westralian Insurance can help!  Give our office a call today, and speak with one of our fully qualified, friendly staff. Call (08) 9302 1388, or visit for more information.

Monday 15 May 2023

Business insurance for gardeners?

Business insurance for gardeners usually comprises of Public Liability cover and Tools of Trade for hand tools, mowers etc.

Like any small business, it pays to speak with a fully qualified, insurance professional when if comes to arranging insurance for your gardening business.

An insurance broker will take the time to fully understand your business, including your needs and objectives.  Every small business is different, so a broker will tailor an insurance program to suit.

They'll also answer any questions you have, and manage any claims in the future.  

Westralian Insurance are here to help.  Call (08) 9302 1388, or visit today!

Sunday 7 May 2023

Business insurance for a café?

Business Insurance is vitally important for any cafe and will cover the stock and contents, along with theft/burglary and glass cover if required.  Machinery Breakdown is also a common cover on Business Insurance policies for cafes due to the many types of machinery they use such as fridges, coffee machines, freezers and cooking equipment.

If you're considering opening a cafe, or any food business, there are many business insurance decisions to make.  Call the friendly staff at Westralian Insurance and chat with a fully qualified insurance broker, who will take the time to understand your business.

Call (08) 9302 1388 today, or visit

Monday 1 May 2023

Business insurance for sole traders?

Sole traders usually require the same kind of insurance as Pty Ltd companies. Business Insurance for sole traders can cover any business assets such as tools of trade, along with Public Liability cover.

For more information on insurance for your business, call our friendly and knowledgeable team today, on (08) 9302 1388, or visit

Sunday 23 April 2023

Business insurance for small business?

Business Package insurance policies are very important for small businesses. They can cover anything from stock and contents, to tools of trade and Public Liability, all conveniently bundled into one policy.

Business insurance can be challenging to navigate for any business, but especially for small businesses, whereby owners are often covering a multitude of roles!

Speaking to a business insurance broker can help, as they can advise on the right types of insurance cover, depending on the size, scale and age of your business.

Westralian Insurance is here to help.  Our fully qualified staff can also assist with completing paperwork, and will manage any claims you have, from start to finish.  Westralian Insurance are here to act on your behalf, so you can get on with running your business.

Call our friendly team today, on (08) 9302 1388, or visit


Sunday 16 April 2023

Do I need insurance for a trailer?

A trailer is essentially a motor vehicle and therefore you should take out Comprehensive Motor insurance to cover it.  This will cover any damage to the trailer itself in the event of an accident, and will also cover third party costs in the event of an at-fault claim.

For more information, or an obligation free quote, call the friendly professionals at Westralian Insurance, on (08) 9302 1388, or visit

Sunday 2 April 2023

Do I need insurance before settlement?

Most banks and mortgage companies require a Home Insurance policy to be in place prior to a residential property settlement, in order for the funds to be released.  The same is usually required for commercial property settlements.

If you're looking at purchasing a commercial property and require insurance, speak with the friendly professionals at Westralian Insurance.

Call (08) 9302 1388, or visit

Monday 20 March 2023

Do I need insurance for dropshipping?

Public and Products Liability insurance is important for any business involved in dropshipping. Workers Compensation is also a legal requirement for any dropshipping company that employs staff.

Dropshipping is a relatively new concept in the e-commerce world, so the friendly staff at Westralian Insurance are here to help.

Our fully qualified staff will take the time to understand how your business operates, what your risks may be, as well as your goals for the future, before finding the best insurance solution to meet your needs.

Call Westralian Insurance today, on (08) 9302 1388, or visit

Sunday 12 March 2023

Do I need a broker for insurance?

Using a broker is a great idea when it comes to insurance, in the same way using a lawyer is a great idea for any legal matters.  Insurance brokers are experts in insurance and they can provide tailor-made insurance solutions for your business or assets.  Brokers can also advocate on your behalf in the event of a claim.  If these things are not important to you, for example if you only have personal assets to insure and not a business, then you can deal directly with an insurer.

However if they are, why not speak with a qualified insurance broker today?  The team at Westralian Insurance are here to help, so give them a call today, on (08) 9302 1388, or visit

Monday 6 March 2023

Do I need insurance to run a business from home?

Home insurance policies normally exclude business equipment, stock etc, so it’s important to arrange a separate Business Package policy for your home-based business.  Public Liability should also be included in case customers visit your home, as well as Products Liability for any products you manufacture and/or sell.  Workers Compensation is still a legal requirement for home-based businesses if they have employees.

If you're running a business from home, ensure you're fully protected by having an obligation free chat with the team from Westralian Insurance.

Call the team on (08) 9302 1388, or visit

Sunday 26 February 2023

Do I need insurance to be a private carer?

Public Liability insurance is vital for private carers in order to cover any claims for third party property damage or personal injury, especially to those being cared for. Workers Compensation is also a legal requirement for any private carers with employees.

If you're a private carer and need some insurance advice, call the knowledgeable and friendly team at Westralian Insurance, on (08) 9302 1388...or visit

Terms, conditions, limits and exclusions apply to the products referred to above. The information provided here is general advice only and has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should consider these, having regard to the appropriateness of this advice, and the relevant Product Disclosure Statement, available by calling us on (08) 9302 1388, before deciding to acquire, or to continue to hold, this product.

Tuesday 14 February 2023

Do you have to use an insurance broker?

No you can engage directly with an insurer in order to purchase an insurance policy if you wish. Although you then lose the benefit of having a broker handle your insurance and deal with the insurer on your behalf.

Insurance brokers also manage any claims you have, from start to finish and ensure the process remains as stress-free as possible.  Insurance brokers are there to act on your behalf, so you can get on with running your business.

Westralian Insurance is a general insurance broker, with an enthusiastic and passionate team, all fully qualified and with a broad range of knowledge and experience.

Westralian Insurance is here to help.  Call (08) 9302 1388 today, or visit

Tuesday 7 February 2023

Do I need insurance to teach yoga?

A yoga teacher with a studio needs a Business Package policy to cover the premises and contents. The policy should also include Public Liability to cover injury or property damage sustained by clients. Workers Compensation is also a legal requirement for any yoga teachers with employees.

For more advice and assistance with your small business insurance or an obligation free quote, speak with the knowledgeable, friendly professionals at Westralian Insurance.  Call (08) 9302 1388 or visit

Tuesday 31 January 2023

Do I need insurance to walk dogs?

Public Liability insurance is essential for any dog walking business, in order to cover claims for third party property damage and/or personal injury.

If you've got a small business, Westralian Insurance is here to help.  Our fully qualified, friendly team can assist with your business insurance requirements, understanding what insurance you may need and tailoring an insurance solution.

Call the team today on (08) 9302 1388, or visit


Wednesday 18 January 2023

Do insurance brokers sell insurance?

Yes, in a nutshell insurance brokers identify possible insurance solutions for clients, before sourcing insurance products from the market which are fit for purpose.  Insurance brokers then sell them onto their clients, providing ongoing business insurance advice, insurance cover adjustments as needed, and claim support.

Fully qualified insurance brokers remain abreast of regulations and legal obligations, as well as new products available to clients, and remain committed to ongoing client service.

Is it time to speak with an insurance broker about your business insurance?  For more information or an obligation free quote, call the friendly professionals at Westralian Insurance on (08) 9302 1388, or visit

Monday 9 January 2023

Do I need business insurance to sell on Amazon?

Businesses that sell on Amazon need a Public and Products Liability policy for the products they buy and sell.  They may also need a Business Package policy to cover stock if they take delivery of the stock at their own premises before sending to their customers.

If you have a home based business or sell direct to Amazon, you probably have some business insurance questions.  Westralian Insurance is here to help and ensure your precious assets are fully protected.  Call our friendly team today on (08) 9302 1388 or visit