Sunday 11 August 2024

What questions should I be asking my insurance broker when considering Cyber Insurance?

When considering Cyber Insurance, it's important to ask a range of questions to ensure the policy will meet your needs and provide adequate coverage.  Here are some key questions to consider:

1. Can the policy be customised? 
 there options to tailor the policy to specific needs or risks of your business?

2.  What is the renewal process?  
How are renewals handled, and are there any provisions for premium increases?

3.  What is the total cost of the policy?  
What are the premiums, and are there any additional fees?  

  Are there any discounts available?  
Are there discounts for implementing certain security measures or for a claims-free history?

By asking these questions, you can better understand the scope and limitations of a Cyber Insurance policy and make a more informed decision.

Westralian Insurance is here to help.  Give our fully qualified, friendly team a call today on (08) 9302 1388, or visit

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